
The enactment of RA 6975 which took effect on January 01, 1991 paved the way for the establishment of the PNP, BJMP and the BFP as separate entities under the umbrella power of the Department of the Interior and Local Government.

On July 16, 2002, La Trinidad District Jail become operational with three (3) cells, located at Justice Hill, Upper Kesbeng, La Trinidad, Benguet, adjacent to Benguet Provincial Jail and near Benguet Provincial Prosecutor’s Office and the Hall of Justice. This jail was constructed thru the efforts of JSINSP DIONISIO T DENNEN who lobbied to the Benguet Provincial Government for the allotment of the lot where said jail is now erected. JSSUPT RAFAEL T DELSON who was then the Assistant Regional Director (ARD), BJMP-CAR spearheaded for the construction of said District Jail. The wardens that manned this jail are as follows: JCINSP CESAR M LANGAWIN, JCINSP ARNULFO ARNOLD M DULAY, JCINSP JULIO T JOAQUIN, JSINSP MARY ANN O TRESMANIO, JCINSP WILSON P BANASEN, JCINSP ELVIS L DANGLOSE, JSINSP CONSTANCIO TANAN, JSINSP MARK A COPLAT, JSINSP BARNABAS MALATEO, JCINSP CRISPIN M DORNAGON JR, JSINSP PAUL M BALAG-EY, JINSP BERNARD S MARCOS, JINSP DAN C BUGTONG, JINSP JOHN S MELECIO and currently JSINSP BERNARD S MARCOS.


BJMP Logo : Represents BJMP.
LGU-La Trinidad Logo : Represent Municipality of La Trinidad.
Strawberry : Represents the sweetness,harmony and hospitality.
Gong : Respresent the sweetness,harmony and hospitality.
Handle of the Gong : Represent unity of peace among BJMP personnel,LGU,other agencies and PDL
Handle of the Gong : Represent compassionate service of BJMP to colleagues,Community and PDL
Tie of the Gong : Represent unity and Camaraderie between BJMP,LGU and Commmunity
Outise Border Line : Represent unity and Camaraderie between BJMP, LGU and Community.